Avoid shipping container scams. Shop with reliable, established dealers.
Addie Turner • January 7, 2021
Avoid getting ripped off-Shipping Container Scams.
We have sold cargo containers for 26 years. Like most industries, we see bad characters from time to time. It is commonplace to hear of low, low prices from container brokers. Crazy promises and extended warranties on used equipment. It's really pretty simple...if it seems too good to be true, it is. Operating with care and ethics is not always easy. I just can't compete with sellers that are attempting to rip you off. They are able to promise you everything because they have no intention of following through. I'm providing a link to a new shipping container scam, but this isn't the first one I've seen. The most common are sellers that provide cheap containers-then figure out that they have undersold. They can't actually provide equipment and delivery at the price quoted. Then the buyer is caught up in a scam-no container, deadlines missed. Please be a reasonable, educated consumer.